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Mes publications scientifiques

Michael G.A., Garcia S., Fernandez D., Sellal F. & Boucart M. (2006). The ventral premotor cortex (vPM) and resistance to interference, Behavioral Neuroscience, 120, 447-462.


Michael G.A., Garcia S., Bussy G., François-Lion L., Guibaud L. (2009). Reactivity to visual signals and the cerebellar vermis: Evidence from a rare case with Rhombencephalosynapsis. Behavioral Neuroscience, 123: 86-96.


Michael G.A., Garcia S., Herbillon V., Lion-François L. (2014). Reactivity to visual signals in Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Is everything OK? Neuropsychology, 28: 423-428.

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